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My Stuff

Home and Personal Inventory Management program, your assets, etc. will follow


"Home and Personal Inventory Management program, your assets, etc." monitors
runterload.de Editor: My Stuff Deluxe is the world's best personal inventory software package available today. My Stuff Deluxe basic free home inventory system, an improved version of the page
By adding such functions are called

My Stuff Deluxe features include:

* DBF, CSV or Excel format, taking inventory of items
* Support for multiple databases - easy to follow information on different households
(for up to 128 GB file size)
* Categorize items items * Add an unlimited amount of quick calls (eg, electronic vs. Collectibles)
the digital camera or scanner for each item * Add an unlimited number of pictures
Keep detailed notes about each item *
* Mark items for quick printing
items such as (ie everything under $ 300, etc. for grouping) Create filters *
* Print a flexible and customizable reports
* Export data to other applications comma-separated format that Microsoft Excel
* Use fast-speed data to select the fields for entering
* Calculate depreciation using three different methods
* Provide information for the valuation Collectibles
* Password protection for sensitive data
* Ability to quickly back up your important data storage
* Track repairs and maintenance for each item.
* Track your receipts and documents associated with each item.
* Spell check is available
* Can I buy direct now version 3.08 Know Your Stuff
* Now includes optional REPORT DESIGNER system
I now download free 4.0 pages.

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